Elle turned 3 this past weekend! We had a great party at
Bounce U in Greensboro. I highly recommend Bounce for children's birthday parties.
We had a great time with Thigpens, Coughlins, and Elle's friends and their family.
On Sunday, Michelle took her Mom, and sisters Anita and Denise along with Elle to the Four Season's Mall to do girl stuff...you know..shop! Well,
'New Star Discovery' had a children's pageant and they entered Elle in the 3-4 year old contest. After jumpin' around and singing......
SHE WON THE EVENT! She won her age group and recieved a nice little trophy for "All-Around" and won another for "Most Beautiful Eyes". The event now qualifies her for an event in Richmond in April of 2007.
Well, I'm pretty proud of my daughter and now she's the most beautiful girl in the world! (AT LEAST IN MY EYES)
Any bloggers know anything about this "New Star Discovery" group? We've been told the winner of the national event gets a $25,000 scholarship. Any insight??