Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Guilford County Department Heads and Leadership!

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Guilford County Department Heads met for a three day training session on Leadership through Franklin Covey. While I believe in training, I'm always skeptical about these kinds of trainings. They tend to be conceptual and not practical or there is little follow through. But Guilford County has needed to bring this level of leadership together and I went into the session hopeful.

I came away encouraged about the direction Guilford County is moving at the Manager and Department Head levels.

There was unity and agreement that we are committed to move beyond the following in Guilford County government: 1) No clear purpose or vision; 2) Underutilized talent and potential; 3) Bureauratic and misaligned systems and 4) LOW TRUST. As we discussed, these barriers are not just particular to Guilford County, they are are challenge for every organization.

On no clear vision and purpose, I remember attending the supervisory orientation with Human Resources a couple of years ago when elected Register of Deeds. I was ashamed when they passed out a County vision statement that was created over 10 years ago. I had never seen it in my six years on the Board as a commissioner. I took part in creating PART, helped in passing over $600 million in school construction, and achieved many other worthwhile goals, but to be a World Class County government we need a compelling vision and a plan to actualize that vision which is performance-based.

Guilford County government has a tremendous amount of talent and it is largely untapped. We have over 2500 employee bodies that come to work each day, but do we have their their hearts, minds, and spirit? Do we have their trust? Do we, as leaders, have character and competence and are we credible?

Guilford County government also needs to align our government systems so that we become a World Class County government. We need to perform well for our citizens; work toward maximizing efficiencies, and I WANT US TO KICK SOME OTHER COUNTY'S $##%^! in service delivery. And, in some areas, we are already doing it!

There was general agreement and a commitment that we will move forward to transform County government. Within the context of the Strategic Alliance efforts and this commitment, I am excited about emerging opportunties to make Guilford County government a World Class County government.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How many registered sex offenders in Guilford County?

Go to NC DOJ's NEW website on sex offenders to get more information. Attorney General Roy Cooper and team get a nod for creating the site which allows visitors to register for email updates if offenders move.

The answer: 491 in Guilford County

How many in Greensboro? 296

Are there any in your neighborhood?

This site has information you and your family should know.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Scott Yost: HOW MUCH DO YOU MAKE!?!?!

Just kiddin'.... (SMILE)

I have to admit, Scott Yost did a good job reporting on the Register of Deeds office preservation project in the Rhino this past week.

Scott previously reported on the PREP (Property Records Education Partners) meeting in February too.

With the Rhino, I always hold my breath and hope for the best due to my six years as a county commissioner. AND Oh yeah, I am a Democrat. While Scott does mention my salary every chance he gets....he has been fair to me and the office. John too.

After all, its not everyday that preservation projects get press and I do appreciate it.

Boys of Summer! Orioles off to 3-0 Start!

I missed the first two games. I was holding out for new batting gloves and management complied. Actually, I was on vacation.

My first game back was against the Mets-one of our main rivals in the the MSBL (Men's Senior Baseball League). We got off to a great start and then held on for an 8-7 win! I had a hit and caught the entire game. We got lucky in the last inning.

"I'm", said my two knees. I congratulated myself on my 120,000 game caught. Right arm fell fell off Monday morning and I've glued it back. We have an upcoming game against the Pirates Thursday night at Leonard Rec. Center.

I'm considering a 38 pitches blog like Curt Schilling to chronicle the Oriole season. No decisions have been made at this time.

Needless to say, the Boys are back!

Skip is Bloggin'!

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County Commissioner Melvin "Skip" Alston has started a blog. With Commissioner's meetings, issues like jails, taxes, and whatever is going on at the moment, this should be quite informative and entertaining!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Vault Renovation in Greensboro Register of Deeds

The new carpeting is down and the workstations need some 'tweeking' but we are glad to be well on our way toward renovating our staff work area in the Vault.

These kinds of projects always call for collaboration between staff, vendors, Information Services, Movers, and others. We have some furniture in the halls and need to shine the floor, but we are pleased to make progress on this project!

Spring into Health!

In celebration of Public Health Month, the Public Health Department and High Point Regional Health System are sponsoring “Spring into Health,” a health and wellness fair. The event will be held at the Oak Hollow Mall on April 27th from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Wellness activities, health screenings and information for the community will be provided.

Shout Out to Guilford County Cooperative Extension!

On Wednesday evening, April 18th Cooperative Extension recognized their many volunteers with an “Evening in the Garden” event. Commissioner Kirk Perkins was in attendance. These volunteers help extend Cooperative Extension’s programs for Guilford County citizens. Over 34,335 hours were volunteered by these individuals in 2006 with a value of $621,463.

Congrats to Brenda Morris and his staff.....

Guilford County Strategic Alliance Information Link!


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day 2007

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PLEASE FILL THIS OUT!: Guilford County Strategic Planning Survey

Guilford County has started a Strategic Planning effort and we've released a community survey.


Our committee is called the Strategic Alliance: Building Tomorrow Today. This survey is just one way the Alliance will be gathering assessment information from citizens across the county. In addition, there will be a series of public meetings in early May. (I should have a link to those meetings tomorrow.)

On behalf of our committee, I would appreciate your time in completing the survey.

Friday, April 20, 2007

"If I’d known all these people in high school," he said, gesturing at the film audience, "this would never have happened."

From Klansman Gorrell Pierce who attending the Adam Zucker's Greensboro's Closer to the Truth screening related to the events of November 3rd, 1979.

You know, I believe him.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Guilford County Enters Into Mediation

I've been participating in a training on Mediation through Carolina Dispute Settlement Services this week. Guilford County Human Resources have brought them to Guilford County to train staff in mediation as a part of the County's new personnel regulations.

Diann Seigle and Leila Jabbar have done an outstanding job and I believe the County is moving in the right direction by providing opportunities for county staff to work through their differences using mediation.

While mediation will only be used in certain situations, there model is particularly interesting and proactive. The training will end tomorrow and I'd like to thank Leila, Diann, Raquel Dominguez, Mark Springfield and Bruce Laney among others for their insights and guidance throughout the week.

It's Official: Yvonne Johnson for Greensboro Mayor!

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Yvonne Johnson announced this afternoon that she'll be running for mayor. In her announcement she focused on improving social capital, economic development, and representative government.

I have known Yvonne since I've been in politics in Guilford County and have a great deal of respect for her honesty, integrity, and commitment to serve Greensboro.

Yvonne has my full support in her campaign for Mayor of Greensboro!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Could have been worse!

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Came home from lunch to find some wood in the back yard.

Thanks to Keith Holliday.....

I want to send my best to Mayor Holliday for his years of service to Greensboro and the City Council. I appreciated his willingness to serve and the time he has committed to the many challenges the City has faced over the past 10 years.

As a commissioner, the City and the County have always had their moments. I appreciate the many changes that have occurred in Greensboro in recent years and I wish Keith well.

Good luck.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bill Martin Remembered

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Public servant. Well-reasoned. Reflective Listener. Soft-spoken. Practically Intellectual. Stature. Salt of the Earth.

These words immediately come to my mind. I can't remember when I met Bill--maybe 15 years ago at a community meeting about child welfare or Smart Start. My most vivid memory of Bill was not Bill. The memory comes from many of Bill's constituents that I met over a four or five year period when he served in the State Senate. That's why the first word mentioned was public servant.

Bill made himself available to those he represented in a powerful way. He was respected, and although in Raleigh, he was present to help those most in need in his district. Those voters I met spoke highly of Bill and I remembered their words when I met him.

From the moment I met him, Bill listened, reasoned, and made me feel like I had something positive to offer whatever the issue we discussed. Those characteristics make an average elected official a great one.

Bill Martin was a great elected official. My prayers are with his family.


Thus says the Lord: Do not let the wise boast in their wisdom, do not let the mighty boast in their might, do not let the wealthy boast in their wealth; but let those who boast boast in this, that they understand and know me, that I am the Lord; I act with steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord.
- Jeremiah 9:23-24

But the angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him" (Matthew 28:57)

At the center of the Christian understanding of revelation and redemption stands the person of Jesus. Of him we say that he not only brings us the revelation of God, but that in his person he is the revelation of God.
- Monika K. Hellwig
from Jesus: The Compassion of God (The Liturgical Press, 1983)


Saturday, April 07, 2007

Starbury shoes only $14.98

NBA star Stephon Marbury has his own shoe line that is sticking it to the overpriced $120 shoe market following many NBA players. Starbury's are just hitting the area.

You can't get them at Foot Locker, Finish Line, Four Season's Mall. You have to stop by Steve and Barry's over at Oak Hollow Mall in High Point. I plan to make my trip as soon as I can.

Marbury's shoe line is gaining steam....