Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Off to Burgaw....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Congratulations to Mayor-Elect Yvonne Johnson!

A highlight of my time as an elected official came at Bennett College about 5 years ago. I had the honor of presenting a resolution of appreciation from Guilford County to Coretta Scott King, wife of the late Martin Luther King, Jr.

I had the great gift of offering my personal appreciation for the impact the King family has had on me as well. I also took the opportunity to introduce the next speaker on the agenda. That speaker was Yvonne Johnson. I told the audience that I appreciated her leadership in Greensboro and that she would make history as "the first African-American Mayor of Greensboro".

I'm glad I made that statement. While she has made history last week, her true gift is the leadership and commitment for a better Greensboro. I look forward to her voice and courage. Leadership and Experience. Yvonne Johnson.

Congratulations Madame Mayor!

My appreciation to Sandy Carmany.

Sandy Carmany and I worked together on several issues when I served on the Board of Commissioners and I want to express my appreciation for her efforts. Rezoning issues around the College Hill and Lindley Park neighborhoods were several that come to mind. Sandy was always thoughtful, involved, and was a good listener to the concerns of citizens in her District.

In addition, Sandy was a strong proponent of PART (Piedmont Area Regional Transportation). PART came before the Board of Commissioners around 2001 and we supported a rental car tax as a local match that allowed us to recover state and federal gas taxes going to Charlotte, Raleigh, and Las Vegas. Regional transportation will be crucial for the Triad's future.

I wish Sandy well and appreciate her service to Greensboro over the past 18 years.

Greensboro City Commissioners

A long and busy week has kept me from congratulating the new and re-elected former County Commissioners on the Greensboro City Council. Mike Barber, Mary Rakestraw, and Trudy Wade.

I've worked with them all and wish them well over the next two years. I have worked closest to Mike. I have always appreciated his thoughtful nature and he's been a more independent voice on Council. While Mary and Trudy were on the opposite side on my aisle (so to speak) on the Board of Commissioners, I can see potential gifts they bring to this elected office. I've admired Mary because, even in our disagreements, she's never forgotten she represents "everyday" people. I'll admit, some of those people might never vote for Mr. Deeds, but Mary has knocked on about as many doors as me, maybe more. I appreciate that even though we come at many issues differently.

Trudy Wade will make staff earn their keep. A message to key City staff, put toner in your copiers and go ahead and give her your cell numbers. She'll ask lots of questions and is not afraid to be a dissenting voice. I thought her mailings distorted Sandy Carmany's position on several key issues, but she tapped into a broad discontent that went to the polls on election day. Her challenge will be to focus her energy toward integrating those sentiments into a meaningful direction for City residents.

I wish them all well and look forward to working with them in my capacity and in Guilford County's Strategic Planning process. Hopefully, there will be opportunities to improve Guilford County and City of Greensboro working relationships.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

John Edwards in Iowa.

He speaks at Annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Iowa.

He's found his voice. (You have my permission to scroll past Pelosi!)">.