Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

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"Bubba" Highlight of the Week! David "Mudcat" Saunders

CNN's Broken Government series was pretty interesting last week. My personal highlight was David "Mudcat" Saunders. Mudcat is in his backyard shooting an arrow from his bow into a "Bambi" target. He hits the target, then, tells the reporter that, if a Bubba doesn't get it with the bow, here's how he does it.

Mudcat pulls out a pistol and plugs Bambi with four rounds.

He also said that over last several elections they couldn't found a Democrat with a search warrant in his rural area.

SC Governor Mark Sanford.

I caught some of the SC debate last night and Governor Mark Sanford...well, will probably get 60% of the vote. Oh yeah, he's a Republican.

Joementum Returns

Joementum....I love that term..

Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm a sucker for Polls...

Just had a call.

WE HAVE A SHORT 45 SECOND SURVEY (Computerized phone voice)Jeff: (Thinking..I'm gonna hang up...I'm gonna hang up...then.




VERNON ROBINSON VOICE: (With a surprisingly nice tone) While you have chosen to support my opponent, a vote for Vernon Robinson means..blah..blah...blah..blahblah..
So, I will sent you some information in the next few days to attempt to persuade you.


Analysis: The phone call hit at 8:52 pm. That's ok and not a minute after 9 pm. I actually liked the voice on the phone. I didn't have to repeat my No's or Yes'. I've never heard Robinson's voice so friendly. Regardless, no dice. Don't have my vote.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Judge for Yourself: Election 2006

Meet the men and women running for North Carolina’s Supreme Court and Court of Appeals as the N.C. Center for Voter Education and UNC-TV present

“Judge for Yourself: Election 2006.”

Airing statewide on UNC-TV:

Thursday, Oct. 26, at 8:00pm: N.C. Chief Justice race
Thursday, Oct. 26, at 8:30pm: N.C. Court of Appeals races
Thursday, Nov. 2, at 8:00pm: N.C. Supreme Court races

Thursday, October 19, 2006

CBS News picks up two local blogs!

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CBS News picked up Ed Cone and me yesterday on their blog! Big shout to Melissa McNamara. But, of course, Ed Cone is always the bigger story!

Guilford County Board of Commissioners Video Streaming!

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Starring Billy, Skip, Marie Stanley and the GANG!

For all of you who want to follow the actions of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners CHECK IT OUT!

The video streaming is kind of neat. The streaming video has an agenda right beside the stream and you can go directly to the agenda item.

ROD Property Records Partners Council Meeting

We have started a group called the Guilford County Register of Deeds Property Records Partners Council(PRAC). Our first meeting was held in the Blue Room in the Old County Courthouse beside the Commissioner's offices on Tuesday, October 17th. Great meeting!
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Stephen Dew, Guilford County Geographic Information Services (GIS) gave a presentation on their new GIS Data Viewer.

The new Data Viewer was a collaborative effort between GIS, IS, Tax, Register of Deeds, Planning, and Community Development. Phase I is complete! You can see the enhanced functionality and access deed and plat information along with aerial photos, etc. Phase II will have property card information included as well. They are expecting that piece to be completed by the end of the year.
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There were about 30 people who attended the PRAC meeting. We discussed the Register of Deeds new computer system and received feedback from attorneys and title abstractors.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Miller and Robinson Debate

WXII hosted an online debate between Rep. Brad Miller and Vernon Robinson.

Recent Polls put Kissell and Shuler on top...

A real surprise is a recent poll by Constituent Dynamics that puts Democratic challenger Larry Kissell at 51% to 44% (+- 3.1) over incumbent Robin Hayes.

Another poll by the same group has Dem. Heath Shuler over incumbent Charles Taylor 51% to 43% (+-4%)


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mark Warner

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A certain choice for Vice-President on ANY DEMOCRATIC TICKET...Mark Warner pulls out of a presidential bid.

"It’s not a decision I have easily reached. I made it after a lot of discussion with my family and a few close friends, and ultimately a lot of reflection, prayer, and soul-searching.

Let me also tell you what were not the reasons for my decision.

This is not a choice that was made based on whether I would win or lose. I can say with complete conviction that—15 months out from the first nomination contests—I feel we would have had as good a shot to be successful as any potential candidate in the field."

I really liked his emphasis on increasing technology in Virginia state government. I'm sure we'll see him on down the road. I also liked the way he campaigned in every part of Virginia, especially the southern and southeast part. He didn't write off rural areas and the Nascar vote as a Democrat.