Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Whoops! Attorney General Scramblin' in Texas!

After crime scene tape and a closed offices related to SSN confidentiality, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott takes a 60 day breather!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Clerks Scrambling in Texas

Social Security Redaction issues have reached new heights in Texas.

Friday, February 23, 2007


NC Spin wrote a little piece on my hometown. I forgot to post it back in November. Had lunch with Judge Gary Trawick who was in town for a trial. Burgaw is growing and the population is shifting as well. New developments are popping up everywhere and the land values are rising. To some degree the development is needed and will serve the overall well-being of the area.

In Guilford County at the turn of the 20th century there were 100,000 residents and 450,000 agricultural acres. At the turn of the 21st century, we have 450,000 residents and at around 100,000 agricultural acres or less. While I appreciate and understand the needs and concerns around constantly following land development, I think about the farm I grew up near and realize that "life on the land" was a privilege and may not a guaranteed experience for my children.

I hope there will continue to be strong conservation efforts here and in Pender County coupled with economic development.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Greensboro now has a minimum wage blog hosted by Jill Williams. There is an interesting piece by Jim Boyette.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Global Nomads Group

Global Nomads is an effort to get teenagers from around to world to connect, get to know one another, and combat stereotypes.

Check out the multimedia library for a brief video.

Friday, February 16, 2007

US State Department's International Visitors Program

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I had the honor of speaking to a group of International Young Muslim Leaders at the Halal restaurant Zaytoons last night. Participants are visiting a number of cities in the United States over a three week period. The group came from Germany, Slovak Republic, Netherlands,Ireland, Sweden, United Kingdom, and Croatia.

The group visited NC A&T University and High Point University. I want to thank Massoud Awartani and wife Annah, owners of Zaytoons, for being great hosts with wonderful food. I found the participants thoughtful and we had a healthy discussion about builiding constituencies, networks, and coalitions as well as the need for global leadership in the 21st century.

I would also like to thank Imam Bahdi Ali of the Islamic Center of the Triad for his insights and conversation regarding our local Islamic community. Special thanks to Beth Robertson and Brooks Westwater through the Piedmont Triad Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


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120 participants from around North Carolina convened at the Greensboro Regional Realtor's Association to discuss PREP (Property Records Education Partners) and E-Recording of Land Records yesterday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.

PREP chapters are a public/private initiative to get property records players together and discuss issues of common concern. Wow! We really had a great turn out. 60 public and 60 private. From the public sector: 35 Registers of Deeds in NC; NC Secretary of State's office; NC Dept. of Cultural Resources. From the private sector: NC Land Title Association; NC Mortgage Bankers; Tim Kent-NC Association of Realtors; Real Property Attorneys; Paralegals and Title Abstractors.

Special thanks to all who participated and those on the agenda including: Wayne Rash, Caldwell County Register of Deeds; Kevin Green, Greensboro Realtors Association; and Greg Niles, Guilford County Planning Director. "What is PREP?" was presented by Brenda Bell, Iredell County Register of Deeds and Jim Weeks, local attorney and former chair of the Real Property Section of Greensboro Bar Association; "E-Recording 101" was presented by Judy Gibson, Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds and consultant Ken Roughen.

Our "E-Recording of Land Records" panel discussion included Kathy Dils of BB and T, Mortgage Bankers, and Chair of the NC Electronic Recording Council (ERC); Matt Powerd, an attorney with NC Land Title Association and on ERC; Alan Fergeson, attorney with The Firm at Fisher Park in Greensboro; Ozie Stallworth, E-Notarization Analyst and Director with NC Secretary of State's office; Amanda Garrent, Person County Register of Deeds; and the panel was moderated by Darrell Eichman of Eichman Software Consultants.

The networking and question/answer periods were outstanding and I learned a great deal. Paul Gibson had to pull out as a speaker at the last minute due to the Honda Jet announcement at 10 am. (And I do forgive Paul for that!) After being notified, I spent two hours looking for an elected official within 100 miles to bring greetings--all were attending the Honda Jet ceremony. Finally, Greg Niles graciously filled in and did a great job.

SOOOO let it be 9:37 am before a crowd of over 100 participants, Jeff Thigpen, Register of Deeds, announced that Honda Jet would be locating its world headquarters in Greensboro. Thereby preempting their announcement.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

NC Courts System....

I found the nc courts site a few minutes ago. I've been Register for two years and I never know this was out there. It would be great to have this site more regularly updated with increased information relevant to the public.

I'm a firm believer that technology is crucial to facilitate good government. I'd love to see more up to date information related to the NC Courts System and an enhanced computer system through the Administrative Office of the Courts that could help my users. The inability to address this issue will have a direct impact on any e-recording initiative in North Carolina. In addition, the Courts System have not been given adequate funding for technology, oversight, and reform is needed. I think their overall funding mechanism is dysfunctional and limits their abilities to provide efficiences in the criminal justice system across the board.

With all that said, I'd love to support everyone would like to move this effort forward!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Why I like Nordstroms, Tony Campolo, and Perfume.

Missed Tony Campolo at Guilford College last week and maybe you did too.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Story of "Amazing Grace"

The movie Amazing Grace hits theatres on February 23rd. The story behind the song we sing in Church. (Trailers are within these links.)

Amazing Grace Sunday is February 18th.