Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Friday, December 29, 2006

Mildred Thomas, Onslow County Register of Deeds Retires!

After 58 years as the Register of Deeds, Mildred Thomas retires. She notified county officials on Thursday. She just turned 94. She has worked in the Deeds office since 1937--a total of almost 70 years.


Best wishes to Mildred in her retirement!!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

2006 Year End Review

We had a great year at the Guilford County Register of Deeds.

Here are a few of our accomplishments!

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thanks to Board of Commissioners and to our Staff

I attended the Board of Commissioner's meeting last night. BJ and I were given our annual evaluations by the Board.

I want to express my appreciation for their support of me and the Deeds office. We have had some very exciting changes over the past year and the Board recognized it. In addition, my staff have done a great job adjusting to a new computer system and working together to improve our office operations.

I'll be putting up some posts on our improvements over the next several weeks. Again, thanks to the BOC and the staff of the Register of Deeds office!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Information Technology.....

Two questions?

On average, what % of government budgets are spent on technology? (Entire budget, not just an IT Department budget)

Second, what % of government work depends on technology on a daily basis?

You'd be amazed at the answer.

1. 2%...(compared to 8 to 15% in private sector).
2. Hmmn, about everything!

Remembering Ben Ruffin

I met Ben Ruffin on a golf course. We were paired together in a charity event. I knew his name and his involvement with the UNC Board of Governors and bit of his histroy.

But I really got to know him after I hit my driver 40 degrees left of the fairway deep into the woods on the second hole. "Well, he said, "You got ahold of that one and might be able to find it". Then, Ben took over the tee box and crushed a shot down the fairway without much hesitation. "Alright!, he said, "Let's see what we can do! I had a good putt on that hole, but I liked his passion.

Two things happened after that tee shot. First, Ben continued to be positive, passionate, reinforcing the value of the other players and was a great guy to talk with throughout the day. Second, Ben provided regular commentary--he fixed my swing, and the two other players swings throughout the other 16 holes, moved grips, ball positions, you name it!!

I have to admit, though, he was more right than wrong on his swing tips and I really had a great time. Anyway, Ben will be missed. He was a great leader for North Carolina and I'm glad I was able to spend that one afternoon with him.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Save $12! Iraq Study Group Report

Here's the Iraq Study Group Report. Paid $12 at Barnes in Noble last night.

New Diplomatic offensive and national reconciliation within Iraq came up lots on my internal key word search throughout the document.

I'm not sure if there are any silver bullets in the document. I believe there is more hope in mining and cultivating the relationships of those who contributed to the Report. Key leaders who contributed to the Report should be brought into the US diplomatic circles to help engage the Arab nations in moving forward in supporting Iraq reconstruction efforts. On the internal issues within the country, the document gives the reader enough information for you to realize how difficult the situation is on the ground for Iraqi leaders, our troops, and for prospects of progress toward a stable government.

I'm sure the Bush Administration will "push back" on some recommendations or repond, "but we are already working on this or that", but I'd encourage them to find some areas of agreement and selectively work with the Study Group on the diplomatic front at a minimum.

The document does a good job of thumbnailing the complexity of the issues and interests in just under 100 pages!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The First Monday in December.....

Went to the swearing in ceremonies for the Board of Commissioners yesterday morning.

For local elected officials, this is a day of hope, gut checks, and internal tensions related to 'the reckoning' between the ballot box and the challenges of being a voting member in shaping Guilford County government. Whether you are prepared to or not, the opportunity is there. I've experienced this day on many occasions over the past eight years and I always feel a combination of awe, fear, and honor. All and all, the first Monday in December is a special day.

Big congratulations to all commissioners who were reelected-- Bruce Davis; Carolyn Coleman, Linda Shaw, Kay Cashion and Steve Arnold.

Carolyn and Steve really served well together as chairwoman and vice-chairman of the Board. As Register of Deeds, they were very supportive and I'll still be working with them on the Board.

Paul Gibson was elected chairman. Paul has a great deal of experience and I look forward to working with him. I'm sure he'll do a good job. Skip Alston will be the vice-chairman. He's been vice several times and if he has any problems, he can call me as a former vice-chairman!

The big winner: Bannana Pudding and Barbeque.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

NC Register of Deeds School in November

I had about 8 employees attend the NC Register of Deeds School at the Institute of Government in mid-November.

The School is a two day seminar that gives an overview of ROD offices, general statutes, and particular issues of concern for all areas of Deeds. The School concludes with a test for the participates. I'm very pleased to say that all employees passed their tests! I'm getting great feedback from staff on the seminar and special thanks to Chuck Szypsack and Charles Moore for helping lead our time together.

Attending these events are very important because we're able to raise the knowledge levels of our staff and also network with employees from Register of Deeds offices across North Carolina. As Register, and with staff, these trainings are important for us as we examine and re-examine our office policies, procedures, and work flow.

Friday, December 01, 2006

"All Hands On Deck" Rick Warren and Barack Obama

On World AIDS Day, Rick Warren invites Barack Obama to visit Saddleback Church for a 2006 WORLD AIDS SUMMIT. Conservative evangelicals are having a fit.

I believe the invitation was well deserved and a demonstration on how we need to work together on a global health crisis.

And Warren, responding to the controversy, said "I've got two friends here, a Republican and a Democrat, why?" Warren asked. "Because you've got to have two wings to fly." (Referring to Obama, Democrat, and Sen. Brownback, Republican on the panel).

45---A Good Number!

Just met Kyle Petty by chance during lunch. I like him, even if I just spent a minute with him at the grocery store.