Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Friday, June 30, 2006

County Manager in Guilford County

I want to wish Willie Best "the best" as he moves forward based on the commissioner meeting last night. I had a short conversation with him on Tuesday. The position of County Manager comes with tremendous stress, expectations, and in serving at the pleasure of the Board, ongoing uncertainty. I hope he is able to make a smooth transition and he has a lot to offer professionally in public administration.

David and Willie worked together over the past two years. David is very capable and, as a Department Director and friend, I look forward to working with him. I have always felt confident in his abilities and believe he'll keep Guilford County on the right track.

The politics around this decision will be debated by many to say the least. The Board has made their decision. My position is simple. I respect David and Willie. I want them both to be successful in whatever reality they find themselves engaged. The County Manager position can be a bed of roses and a bag of snakes...depending on the day of the week.

As a Department Director I'll do my best to make this transition successful.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Flag Desecration or Constitution Desecration?

Flag Desecration Amendment fails in Senate by one vote.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Important Notices re: Guilford County Register of Deeds

(From ROD Newsletter to be released tonight!)

The Register of Deeds new computer system through Business Information Systems (BIS) plans to "Go-Live" on Monday, July 17th at 8 am!

While this date is less than a month away, there are still many issues that can effect our ability to successfully met this goal. Our plan is to communicate to you as quickly as possible any issues that may effect the July 17th date. We are currently cleaning up and converting our real estate and vital records data, reviewing the particulars of the software system, and training our employees. This effort has proven to be arduous yet exciting for our staff. The twenty-four year old computer system will be transformed to reflect a progressive office with state-of-the-art technology.

As we move to our July 17th date, there are three very important notices that need to be shared with you:

The online search component will not be available from Friday, July 14 at 5:00pm until July 17, Monday morning due to data conversion between Guilford County IS and BIS. We apologize for this inconvenience and ask that you please plan accordingly.

Title searchers should attend one of the trainings outlined in the newsletter in Greensboro or High Point. There will also be an internally developed online tutorial available by July 5th at Take advantage of every opportunity to learn the system!

If there is any difficulty in service or you want to offer feedback, let us know immediately! Please call our office at ph. 641-7556 or via email at
Questions or issues related to the ROD Land Records Online Search can be addressed through the BIS customer support line at ph. (866) 800-6504. We want to resolve any difficulties without delay and make adjustments where necessary to help you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Good Deeds Baseball Team Finishes 11-2!

The Little League Team sponsored by the Good Deeds Team finished the season with an 11-2 record.

The "Cougars" were 11-0 going into the last week. This team has been together for 3 years. The first year they lost every game. The second year they posted a 6-6 record. This year they had an outstanding season. The season ended last night with a 13-12 loss in the City playoffs.

Special thanks to Coach Don Henderson for his committment to the team and the community!

Monday, June 19, 2006

FY 2006-07 Budget Passed...

(From memo to all staff)

The Board of Commissioners approved the FY 2006-07 budget last night.

This is great news for the Register of Deeds office. As you all know, the implementation of the new computer system is set for July 17th. Our three primary goals have been technology enhancement, internal operations, and customer service. (A fourth priority- records preservation is included) In addition, these priorities were submitted as part of the budget process.

Immediate priorities for FY2006-2007 are:

Complete the RFP process and select vendors to begin the Marriage License Restoration and the Land Records Restoration Projects;

Redesign and refurnish the Vault area of the Greensboro office;

Implement data driven performance measurement in all department areas;

Lay the appropriate foundation for electronic recording;

Develop a customer assessment survey to distribute in 2007 and create an Register of Deeds Advisory Committee to provide ongoing feedback on office operations;

Increase total Register of Deeds Staff Certifications through the NC Institute of Government to 18;

Collaborate with GIS, Tax, Community Development, and Planning Departments to implement an enhanced Geo-Data Viewer with clearinghouse of information.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

POLITICS: Service is honorable and part of citizenship

FROM AP: (This is so great I thought I'd print it all.)

GRAND FORKS, N.D.(AP) While Maj. Mike McNamara was in Iraq, his family handled much of his city council campaign for him: They handed out fliers, held a campaign rally and put up signs around town.

Meanwhile, he answered voters' questions from Fallujah by e-mail.

The strategy paid off this week when the Marine reservist won a seat on the Grand Forks City Council. McNamara, 48, beat four other candidates with 49 percent of the vote in the city's second ward, despite serving thousands of miles away.

McNamara said he will take part in council meetings via speakerphone until he returns to North Dakota in about 90 days. He said he could not have won the race without his family, and he would encourage others serving in Iraq to run for office.

"When I grew up, everyone was a veteran and they really, truly understood what service to the nation was," he said by phone from Iraq, where he works in a combat operations center. "The country is straying from that. When you come here and see young men get killed, and the terrible ways they get killed, it consecrates democracy for you."

McNamara, son of former Boston Red Sox manager John McNamara, said he is not affiliated with a political party. He has served a total of 15 months in two tours of duty in Iraq.

He isn't the first veteran of that war to run for office: Ohio Marine Paul Hackett ran a closely contested race for the U.S. House last year; Tammy Duckworth, who lost her legs in combat in Iraq, won Illinois' Democratic primary in March to run for retiring U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde's seat; in Pennsylvania, war veteran Patrick Murphy won the Democratic primary last month to challenge Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick.

Mark Jendrysik, a political science professor at the University of North Dakota, said they might be part of a trend.

"Service is honorable and part of citizenship," he said. "People respect you. It doesn't surprise me at all."

Congrats Major McNamara!

Monday, June 12, 2006

I want me one of those....

By 2011, I'll never have to clean the bathroom again! Yippee!!

Que tal? The Language of Immigration Debate...

George Lakoff and Frank Luntz come at the Immigration Debate from different angles.

Daily Kos got hold of a talking points memo from Republican Pollster Frank Luntz a few weeks ago.

George Lakoff of Rockridge Institute, a progressive non-partisan think tank, gives another view on Luntz's attempt to frame the immigration debate.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Axis of Mid-Term Evil...

1) Gay Marriage
2) Immigrants
3) Death Tax

Courtesy: Colbert Report

You decide...

Virginia Democratic Primary for Senate is TOSS-UP!

Webb and Miller are burning up Va. in the Primary Election in order to take on Rep. George Allen.

Allen has never really had any personal appeal to me. I'm told he runs strong but Webb is looking good.

Prediction: Webb by a nose in the Primary.

Quote of the Day: Allen Johnson- News and Record

"I'm hardly an expert at matrimony. (Through the sheer force of repitition, I know a whole lot more about alimony)".

That just tickled me...the rhyme and all. haha

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Activist Judges? No....

Four conservatives running for Alabama's Supreme Court are "making an argument legal scholars thought was settled in the 1800s: that state courts are not bound by U.S. Supreme Court precedents."

The issue last gained traction after conservatives "railed against federal court decisions striking down segregation in schools and public transportation."

Rep. Aaron Pena on Texas Democratic Convention

Rep. Pena has a neat photo too!

June is that Time of the Year...

"I have a feeling that it probably will go to court. There have been sizable increases every year. If they want to be suing somebody they ought to be suing the legislature. I want us to be able to spend more but we can't tax people out of their homes to do it."

Pender County Commissioner David Williams on the tug-of-war with the school board over funding, which may result in a lawsuit.

After a lawsuit 6 years ago, this is why I believe County Government needs to get out of the School business.

Friday, June 09, 2006

In a loss, Womack shows leadership!

The Cubs lost to the Reds last night, but Tony Womack hit a homer and put their challenge into context....

"It's not about homers, it's about figuring out wins," said Tony Womack, who hit his first home run to account for the Cubs' only run. "We have to continue to keep clawing. We've got to believe."

"I see guys coming early and getting their work in and everybody trying to get themselves ready for the game like they're supposed to," Womack said. "That's what we have to continue to do.

"We're OK. What we have to do is scratch and claw and keep our head [up] until we're at full strength. That's what we have to do -- and the guys are doing it, but we're just not getting the breaks. We have to continue to do it."

Saturday, June 03, 2006

'ONLY in Guilford County'

Had an item on the Board of Commissioner's Agenda Thursday night. Sitting in the back corridor I gazed forward and concluded...

"Only in Guilford County".

At 6:47 pm: This Board now has .... a 7-4 Democratic Majority overall, with a 4-3 Republican Majority at that moment (Alston, Davis, Parks, and Coleman are absent), chaired by Republican Steve Arnold, chastising E.H. "E is for Effigy" Hennis for personally attacking former Democratic Commissioner Wally Harrellson during Speaker's from the Floor.

Yeah...I miss it.

Democratic Veterans Running for Congress

Check out the Fighting Dems.

Heath Shuler is giving Charles Taylor a FIT...

Heath Shuler is running strong against incumbent Congressman Charles Taylor.

"I am sure many of you saw the news earlier this month when our campaign released internal polling numbers that showed us leading Charles Taylor by 2 percentage points – a 9-point swing in our favor from our February polling.

Also, just last week another poll was released by a firm in Raleigh that showed our lead had grown to 4%. These positive numbers are a testament to your hard work and dedication

The 11th District is historically tough for a Democrat to win. Shuler is doing all the right things over there. Time will tell but this will be an interesting race to watch....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Our Endangered Values.

Mother talks to JC...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Alien Newspaper speaks out in Dallas,Texas

Democrats, take us to your leader...
