What do Department Directors, Auto Mechanics, Grandmothers, and Lemonade have in common?
Department Directors, like auto mechanics, have to learn the language or their trade..... like in my case--line items, source codes, revenue and expenditure projections.....numbers like 0201 or 0301; or acronyms and phrases-- AMA; AMB; AMC; appropriating money; encumbering money; budget formulas; contracts; cuts, or decreases here or there; fixed increases in insurance or retirement based on formulas.
Like I said, auto mechanics have their own language too- PCV values; Valve Cover gaskets; CV boot joints; Caliper; Rotors; Serp Fan belts; how they impact the performance of the car, etc. While I'm drawing these comparisons, you need to realize I know nothing about cars....which shouldn't make you feel better that I'm a Department Director.
But at the end of the day, like Albert Einsten said, "You can't truly understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother!" And as a Department director, I've probably felt more like the grandmother than the auto mechanic over the past several weeks....haha. But things are getting better and grandmothers make great brownies and I believe we're making lemonade in the Deed's office. (If you don't get the lemonade reference, please refer to paragraph 1)