Jeff's statement on the use of Automated Enhancement and Preservation Funds in the Guilford County FY 04-05 Budget
Commissioner Jeff Thigpen and the Guilford County Board of Commissioners passed their FY 04-05 budget on Thursday, June 22nd.
The Register of Deeds recommended budget included $450,000 of projected revenues and fund balance for an electronic receipting, cashiering, and indexing system for the Recording section.
Jeff supports the allocation of the $450,000 for its intended purpose, but favors an open Request for Proposals (RFP) process which includes coordination with county staff including the advice and coordination with Information Technology, Tax and Planning, and Register of Deeds employees before signing any contracts for services. He believes if history is any indication, the current leadership in the Deeds office needs to fundamentally change its approach to the RFP process.
"A main priority I'll take to the Deeds office is integrated technology", said Jeff. "The Register of Deeds office should not be an island of automation in process or outcome in selecting a new system for the Recording section. That means including employees, management, other department directors, and the public to some degree more than its currently seeing in its process for a new system".
The Register of Deeds recommended budget included $450,000 of projected revenues and fund balance for an electronic receipting, cashiering, and indexing system for the Recording section.
Jeff supports the allocation of the $450,000 for its intended purpose, but favors an open Request for Proposals (RFP) process which includes coordination with county staff including the advice and coordination with Information Technology, Tax and Planning, and Register of Deeds employees before signing any contracts for services. He believes if history is any indication, the current leadership in the Deeds office needs to fundamentally change its approach to the RFP process.
"A main priority I'll take to the Deeds office is integrated technology", said Jeff. "The Register of Deeds office should not be an island of automation in process or outcome in selecting a new system for the Recording section. That means including employees, management, other department directors, and the public to some degree more than its currently seeing in its process for a new system".