Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Friday, July 15, 2005

A prayer for Truth and Reconciliation and Virgil Griffith.

I'm in prayer for the process, the participants, the public hearings, Virgil Griffith and other speakers at the hearings, Greensboro, the Commissioners of the Panel, as well as opponents and proponents over the next two days.

I pray the public hearings go well and that God's spirit of truth and reconciliation enters into all hearts over the weekend. I especially pray for Virgil Griffith, that he would testify in a spirit of personal growth and that all of the precautions of security, etc. will not be necessary. I pray for his family and those around him to give him the courage and strength to testify and find reconciliation with those involved in Nov. 3, 1979.

I understand these kinds of prayers are always hard, (certainly when I'm praying for the grand wizard of the KKK). But they are nonetheless necessary to reconcile ourselves to become better people and a better Greensboro.


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