Jeff L. Thigpen Register of Deeds

Friday, March 16, 2007

Department Directors Great Leaders!

The Department Directors will also be participating in a Franklin Covey Leadership Training April 25-27 entitled, “Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results”. This exercise will be in line with the expressed goal of achieving our maximum potential. Here are some of the goals:

• Have a clearer understanding of how they lead their team to support the County’s customer service initiatives;
• Participate in an assessment of their skills and capabilities in order to develop a plan for continuous improvement;
• Learn how to better align to the County’s goals and strategies;
• Understand the essential components that drive their own leadership success, as well as, motivating their team members to higher performance and building on their talents.

Yeah, I know, I'm sure someone will say its a waste of money...etc..etc. But I look forward to this opportunity. Big thanks to County Manager David McNeill and HR Director Sharisse Fuller. Guilford County are in the infantal stages of a Strategic Planning process that I believe will lead to more efficient and cost effective services for Guilford citizens.


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